Episode Baru dari serial tv Supernatural...
Lucifer rises and walks on Earth, and its up to Sam, Dean and Castiel to stop him. It's time for the apocalypse as the Winchesters fight in their greatest battle yet.
Lucifer rises and walks on Earth, and its up to Sam, Dean and Castiel to stop him. It's time for the apocalypse as the Winchesters fight in their greatest battle yet.
Supernatural 5.02 "Good God Y'All"
Supernatural 5.03 "Free To Be You And Me"
Supernatural 5.04 "The End"
Supernatural 5.05 "Fallen Idols"
Supernatural 5.06 "I Believe The Children Are Our Future"
Supernatural 5.07 "The Curious Case of Dean Winchester"
Supernatural 5.08 "Changing Channels"
Supernatural 5.09 "The Real Ghostbusters"
Supernatural 5.10 "Abandon All Hope"
Supernatural 5.11 "Sam, Interrupted"
Supernatural 5.12 "Swap Meat"
Supernatural 5.13 "The Song Remains The Same"
Supernatural 5.14 "My Bloody Valentine"
Supernatural 5.15 "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid"
Supernatural 5.16 "Dark Side Of The Moon"
Supernatural 5.17 "99 Problems"
Supernatural 5.18 "Point of No Return"
Supernatural 5.19 "Hammer of The Gods"
Supernatural 5.20 "The Devil You Know"
Supernatural 5.21 "Two Minutes to Midnight"
Supernatural 5.22 "Swan Song"
Supernatural season 5 baru keluar bulan september 2009 jadi tungguin aj episode2 selanjutny..
supernatural season 6 kurang lebih 4 bulan lagi akan tayang
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